1. All interments and dis-interments in St. Celestine Cemetery shall be done in strict compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the properly constituted authorities of St. Celestine Church, St. Isidore Parish, the town of Celestine, the County of Dubois, and the State of Indiana.
2. Interments in St. Celestine Cemetery shall not be restricted by reason of religious affiliations of the person to be interred.
3. Interments and dis-interments shall be under the supervision of the Cemetery Commission. Before any work is done in the Cemetery, the maintenance person MUST be contacted.
4. Every casket burial shall be made in a vault of stone, concrete, metal or a combination there of. Such container will be provided at the expense of the lot owner.
5. A cremation urn interred on an unused lot may have a second urn interred, but only one marker (monument, headstone, etc.) is permitted.
A. A person being cremated and wanting their ashes to be placed in the same burial lot of another deceased person, the following will apply:
1. Burial fee and use of a previous lot will be; $50.00 for a parishioner and $100.00 for a non- parishioner.
2. Name, birth and death dates will be etched into the existing stone or a plaque placed on the back of the stone within three (3) months.
6. All lots must be properly marked with approved headstones, (e.g., Flat, ground level stones are not approved).
A. Single headstones shall not exceed forty (40) inches in length
B. Double headstones shall not exceed seventy-two (72) inches in length
C. Triple headstones shall not exceed ninety-six (96) inches in length
Width of headstones shall not exceed 14 inches
Height of headstones may not exceed 40 inches
D. Infant headstones may not exceed 20 inches in length
7. Single lots will be measured 4’ x 10’ and cremation lots 4’ x 5’.
8. All interments shall be made in continuous rows. The location of double lots shall be determined by the first burial.
9. Any person, 60 years of age or older, and spouse, may now place a headstone IN ROTATION in our cemetery, prior to death.
10. There will be NO RESERVED grave plots.
11. Once a plot is purchased and upon arrival of the headstone, it will be placed next to the previous stone.
12. Any person, REGARDLESS OF AGE, may purchase a grave plot, but only those 60 or older may erect a headstone.
1. Lots for registered parishioners of St. Celestine Church will be $300.00 and Cremation lots will be $150.00. Lots for infants will be $50.00.
2. Lots for non-parishioners will be $600.00. Cremation lots $150.00. Lots for infants will be $50.00.
3. The sale of lots with more than two graves shall be handled on an individual basis. With every extra lot sold in continuous rows, a headstone must be ordered and installed over that plot within six months. Otherwise, large unmarked spaces are left in the cemetery. No lots will be sold in the future unless an appropriate head- stone is ordered to be erected. Proof of purchased headstone can be requested for the sale of a lot.
4. Lot fees are payable to St. Celestine Church (Cemetery Account) and are payable at any time prior to death or at the time of burial.
5. Lot owners are prohibited from selling or transferring their lots. The Cemetery Commission will repurchase unused lots for the same purchasing price, providing lot owner provides proof of ownership by deed, receipt or bill of sale.
6. Payments for lots do not convey the right of property but conveys only the privilege to use the lot or part of the lot subject to rules and regulations of St. Celestine Cemetery.
1. Funeral Mass stipends in the Diocese of Evansville are $10.00 each at the present time.
2. All Mass stipend money donated at the funeral home for the deceased should be used for that purpose.
3. The family of the deceased may bring all Mass stipends to St. Isidore Parish Office within one month of the day of burial along with any requests to whom they want Mass stipends sent.
1. Glass containers for flowers, greens, etc., will not be permitted in the cemetery.
2. Live shrubs, bushes, flowers may not be planted anywhere.
3. All wire, plastic with wire, ornamental, and artificial, of any kind, should be removed within one week of any special occasion or funeral unless such is placed in permanent vases above the base of the grave marker.
4. Burial lots shall not be enclosed by fences, railings, copings, hedges or embankments.
5. Major physical improvements of cemetery lots will not be permitted without permission of the Cemetery Commission.
6. The Cemetery Commission reserves the right to prohibit the erection of monuments, headstones or markers which it deems will be in conflict with its general plan for St. Celestine Cemetery.
7. Headstone and grave markers are the responsibility of those leasing the cemetery lots. Expenses incurred from damages remain their responsibility. Repairs must be made with the approval of the Cemetery Commission.
8. No person is permitted to perform any work on the cemetery premises without first gaining permission from the Cemetery Commission. Parish Office phone number is 812-634-1875.