Resolution # 2022-003


  1. Visitors to our cemeteries are welcome. Every courtesy will be extended to cemetery visitors who conduct themselves with appropriate decorum. Please remember that a cemetery is the last resting place of the departed, and the dignity and tranquility of the cemetery must be preserved and protected.
  2. At all times children must be under immediate and strict adult supervision. Children are not permitted to play on cemetery grounds.
  3. Pets are not permitted in the cemeteries with the exception of service animals.
  4. Vehicles must enter and exit the cemeteries only through the gates designated for those purposes.
  5. No person is allowed to drive, ride or park on any part of the cemetery grounds except on roadways provided. The speed limit is 10 mph. No driving or parking on walking trails.
  6. Refuse receptacles are provided and so marked for visitors to discard and deposit trash. Your cooperation is respectfully requested in helping to keep the cemetery neat and clean.
  7. Visitors are prohibited from removing flowers, decorations, or other objects from graves other than those of their relatives unless under the direction of the Service Department Director.
  8. All persons are prohibited from plucking any flowers (either wild or cultivated), breaking or injuring any tree, plant, or shrub. All persons are prohibited from defacing, breaking or removing any monument, vault or other structure.
  9. The Township is not responsible for any accident which may occur on Township cemetery property. Persons within the cemetery should exercise caution while walking over the grounds because of irregularities in grading. Extreme caution should be used when around the pond areas.


  1. Available cemetery graves may be purchased by appointment only at Pierce Township Administrative Offices located at 950 Locust Corner Road ((513) 947-2021). Purchase of a deed to a grave is not a real estate purchase, but simply a right to bury someone in the cemetery. All land in the cemetery remains the property of Pierce Township. Mere possession of a Deed Certificate does not automatically convey burial rights.
  2. Prices are listed on the Cemetery Rate Schedule and are subject to change.
  3. A resident (that is someone who lives on a property in Pierce Township), who purchases a grave for someone else, must complete a Burial Rights Transfer form.  Pierce Township requires two proofs of residency (driver’s license, utility bill, property tax bill, etc.) at the time of purchase.
  4. Upon the death of the recorded owner, the control of the unused or undesignated grave(s) shall go to the legally designated beneficiary(s). Proof that a person is the legally designed beneficiary will need to be provided to the Township in a reasonably satisfactory form. If there is no beneficiary, it will follow the natural order of spouse of deceased, then to children of the deceased. 
  5. A deed will be issued to the lot owner approximately four to six weeks from purchase date.
  6. Persons wishing to donate an unused grave or lot to the cemetery may do so. All such grave or lots will be resold to the public or used as the Service Director sees fit.
  7. Grave(s) cannot be resold except back to Pierce Township, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees and at the original purchase price less the cost of cornerstones and removal of any monument footers if present. Pierce Township reserves the right of refusal to re-purchase.
  8. Deeds absolutely can not be sold or transferred by private arrangement. All transfers of deeds must go through Township offices.


  1. A “Burial-Transit Permit” for the deceased person must be provided by the funeral home. The Township may require the lot owner to sign a “Permit for Burial” in certain circumstances.
  2. Interment arrangements must be coordinated through the Pierce Township Administrative office a minimum of thirty-six hours before interment. Pierce Township Administrative Office phone # is (513) 947-2021 to receive a confirmation of interment arrangements. 
  3. Interments are done Monday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Late arrivals will be charged an overtime fee as shown on the current Cemetery Rate Schedule. No interments are to be scheduled on Sundays, holidays or holiday weekends.
  4. Charges for services are shown on the current Cemetery Rate Schedule. All charges must be paid 24 hours prior to interment.
  5. The sprinkling of ashes over the gravesite or cemetery property is not permitted. 
  6. No interment of any other person than the grave owner or their heirs may be made without a Burial Rights Transfer form signed by the owner or heirs provided to the Pierce Township Administrative Office before interment is scheduled. 
  7. All interments, traditional or cremated, must be placed in a concrete vault (one-piece lid is required). The Township requires the use of tongue & groove vaults. The size of the container shall not exceed the dimensions of the grave. The funeral home and vault company shall be responsible for the function and safety of this set-up.
  8. All interments of cremains must be placed in a concrete vault deemed acceptable by the Service Department Director. The cost of the concrete vault is in addition to the opening and closing fee as shown on the current Cemetery Rate Schedule.
  9. All intentions to inter cremains inside a monument must be arranged through the Pierce Township Administrative Office. The family must provide a copy of the Burial-Transit Permit and pay for cost of interment in accordance with the current Cemetery Rate Schedule before placement of cremains inside the monument. Pierce Township is not responsible for any opening or closing of the monument to inter cremains. (Maximum number of cremains per monument is three as shown on #11)
  10. Only Township employees or agents under the supervision of the Service Department Director are allowed to dig graves.
  11. The maximum number of interments (traditional or cremains) for one gravesite are as outlined below: (Note the size of a single grave is 10’ L X 40’ W)
  12. One (1) full traditional burial; or
  13. Two (2) cremations on top of an existing traditional burial; or
  14. Up to three (3) cremations including those interred inside a monument.
  15.  All intentions of placement of cremations on top of an existing traditional burial shall be scheduled with the Pierce Township Administrative Office at least one (1) week ahead of the interment date to allow cemetery personnel to verify there is enough depth available to accommodate the urn vault. DUE TO VARYING DEPTHS OF EXISTING TRADITIONAL BURIALS, THE TOWNSHIP DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ABILITY TO BURY ANY URN VAULTS ON TOP OF AN EXISTING TRADITIONAL BURIAL.
  16. Cemetery personnel or designated contractor shall exercise due care in making a disinterment, but shall assume no liability for the damage to any casket, outer container or their contents incurred while making the disinterment or removal.



  1. Only one monument, or marker is allowed per grave. Except for Veterans markers, all monuments/markers are the personal property of the grave owner. Veterans markers are property of the United States Government Board of Veterans Affairs.  Care and maintenance are the responsibility of the owner and can be arranged with local monument companies. 
  2. Except for the placement of veterans marker on an existing monument, a foundation is required for all veterans markers whether they be placed at the head or foot of the grave. The cost of foundation is shown on the current Cemetery Foundation Rate Schedule. Installation of a veterans marker on an existing monument is solely the responsibility of the family of the deceased. The township does not place veterans markers on any monument.  
  3. All monuments shall be granite, marble, or bronze to conform to cemetery standards. Family names, poems, and eulogies on either side of the monument are acceptable. Any inscriptions on a grave monument/marker or monument shall be tasteful and not offensive. The Township reserves the right to reject any such offensive or obscene monument, marker, or inscription. 
  4. The full name of the deceased and any dates on the monument shall face:
  5. West in section:        1-A, 3-B, and 1-B (lots 61 – 120)
  6. East in section:         1-B (lots 1 – 60) and 2-B (all lots)
  7. Monuments/Markers for a single grave cannot exceed 16” W X 34” L X 36” H in size and a double grave cannot exceed 16” W X 64” L X 36” H.T
  8. All monuments and markers require a poured concrete foundation prior to installation (see # 3 below).
  9. Purchase and installation of a monument or marker shall be arranged between the family of the deceased and the monument company. The monument company will then contact Pierce Township Administrative Office to make arrangements to pour the footer.
  10. All grave monuments/markers / permanent flower vases must be commercially marketed and must fit the lot or single grave(s) in which they are intended. It is the responsibility of the purchaser or their agent to check with the Pierce Township Administrative office as to the proper size and location. The Township is not responsible for damage to monuments, markers, or stones caused by the ordinary care and maintenance of the cemeteries nor any other accident, which may occur on cemetery property.
  11. The cost of a foundation is shown on the current Cemetery Foundation Rate Schedule. Payment must be made at the time the monument is ordered.
  12. Foundations must be installed by Township employees. Foundations are placed in line to conform to existing markers. Position and direction of face is to conform to the section in which it is located. It is the responsibility of the lot owner or their agent to check with the cemetery as to the proper size and location of the marker.
  13. Foundations for new graves are not poured until eight (8) to twelve (12) months after the burial to allow the ground to settle. Foundations for established graves are poured periodically based on scheduling conditions.
  14. The township allows a monument to be constructed to serve also as a bench at the head of a grave provided that it meets the size requirements of a grave.
  15. Memorial benches (those not intended to serve as a monument) are encouraged for placement in various pre-designated areas of the cemetery by the Township Service Director.
  16. Any Pierce Township employee or agent of the township reserves the right to move an upright marker to facilitate grave digging.



  1. No planting of any vegetation (flowers, trees or shrubs) is permitted on graves.
  2. All decorations shall be placed against head stone or head of grave. 
  3. Funeral flowers will be removed five (5) days after the funeral. Holiday decorations will be removed four (4) weeks after the Holiday except those placed on monuments or in monument vases. Flowers and other decorations placed on graves are periodically removed for grass mowing and other maintenance. All arrangements and decorations are placed in a box by the Service Department Building and held for thirty (30) days for reclaiming. 
  4. Arrangements designed for attachment to monuments/markers are permissible, but shall be removed without notice when they detract from the general appearance of the cemetery.
  5. Marble chips, shells, toys, pinwheels, balloons, and similar objects placed on graves are inconsistent with the proper keeping of the grounds and are not permitted and shall be removed without notice.
  6. Glass containers, shepherd rods (hooks), trellises, fencing, etc. are not permitted and will be removed without notice.
  7. The Township reserves the right to prevent the placement of any floral designs, structures, and objects of any kind in the cemetery, if in the judgment of the Service Department Director, they shall be deemed injurious to the general good appearance and maintenance.
  8. The Township does not assume responsibility for flowers or other decorations on a grave site within the cemetery. Flowers and decorations must be maintained by the person(s) placing them.
  9. Items of food left on a grave shall not be permitted and shall be removed without notice.
  10. No decorations shall impede on any other grave, lot, or aisle.



  1. Cemetery maintenance work and other related labor may be performed only by Township employees or by duly authorized agents. All work shall be performed under the supervision of the Service Department Director.
  2. The Township shall have the right to remove any tree or shrub situated on any lot that is deemed to be dangerous, detrimental or inconvenient, provided the owner shall first have due notice if possible to locate the owner.
  3. Employees of the Township are charged with the responsibility of enforcing cemetery rules and regulations.
  4. Anyone violating the cemetery rules and regulations contained herein is subject to loss of visitation privileges and to legal prosecution.
  5. Pierce Township shall endeavor to keep the cemetery grounds secure to every extent practical but the Board, any employee or any other agent of the Township very not be responsible for any items that are stolen or vandalized, other than property owned by Pierce Township.
  6. In the event that a Pierce Township employee or agent damages a grave marker or monument, Pierce Township will repair the damage. However, Pierce Township will not be responsible for any article placed at a gravesite, or within the cemetery that is not a grave marker or monument established or associated with the gravesite.
  7. Any item placed in the cemetery that is inconsistent with these rules and regulations, or that has not been approved by the Board shall be removed without notice. No signs, notices or advertising of any kind shall be allowed within the Cemetery except those placed by the Township.
  8. It shall be unlawful for a person to engage in the activity of geocaching and letterboxing on cemetery grounds.


The cemeteries are operated by the Board of Trustees of Pierce Township, Clermont County, Ohio, under the direction of the Service Department Director. They are operated in conformance with the laws of the State of Ohio, and in accordance with the appropriate principles of good conduct which the Trustees believe should govern the operation of cemeteries.

Cemetery records are maintained at the Pierce Township Administration Building, 950 Locust Corner Road. Information and assistance regarding burials, deeds, transfers, etc. is available at this office (Phone # 513.947.2021). Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (except holidays). Cemetery visitation hours are from sunrise to sunset. All violations of these rules are subject to a penalty consistent with the Ohio Revised Code.

The Township reserves and shall have the right to correct any errors made by the Township employees in making interments, disinterment or removals, memorial work, or other related cemetery work. In the event any burial is made in a grave other than the grave in which such remains should have been placed, whether through fault of the Township or otherwise, the Township shall have the right to disinter and transfer such remains to the grave in which they should have been placed.