Rules & Regulations
* A sale of a plot is not a sale of real estate, but of burial rights (an intangible asset) within a cemetery that is continuously owned and operated by St. Theresa Church.
* Each owner is vested with the ownership of the right of interment for the sole purpose of interment of human remains. Ownership will remain with the original purchaser(s). After the demise of the original purchaser(s), their interment rights shall pass to their spouse, and if no spouse survives, then the lineal descendants. In case that there are no lineal descendants then the nearest relative of the purchaser shall have the right of interment.
* St. Theresa’s Church does not re-purchase burial spaces.
* The cost of burial is a separate fee not included in the cost of the space.
* One full body burial per grave space. We do not allow double-deep body burials.
* Two to Three (depending on size) urns containing cremated remains can be buried above a full body burial vault.
* Cremated remains must be in an urn made of unbreakable material that can withstand ground pressure and moisture. If the urn is breakable or made of any compostable material, a cremation vault is required.
* Spreading or burying ashes on the surface of any grave is not permitted.
* Cremation burials must be scheduled through and performed by management. Burying cremains on your own is strictly prohibited.
* No trees, shrubs or bushes shall be planted, removed, cut down or trimmed, within the border of any lot or grave, without the permission of management and St Theresa Cemetery Committee.
* The planting of flowers is allowed within 4” of the cement border by the headstone.
* Natural flowers are also permitted in pots placed in stands or hanging on a shepherds hook. Approved pots may be up to 14 inches in diameter, a minimum of 22 inches from bottom of pot to the ground. The stand shall be of metal construction. The stand or hook should be placed next to the head stone. Only one stand or hook per grave space is permitted.
* Artificial flowers are allowed in the cemetery and should be securely attached in a pot and placed in a plant stand or on a shepherd’s hook so they do not interfere with mowing. Should the flowers begin to degrade and become a nuisance, cemetery staff or our lawn care service will remove them.
* No decorations can infringe upon the adjacent grave space(s). No fencing or borders around the grave space is permitted.
* Water is not available in our cemetery. Please plan accordingly.
* Waste receptacles are provided to dispose of waste, litter, weeds, decayed flowers, and plants.
* Violations of the Decoration Regulations will be removed without notice.
St. Theresa’s Cemetery clean-up takes place on the 4th Saturday of April and October at 9:00 am. All decorations on grave sites that you wish to keep must be removed before those dates. All remaining decorations will be disposed of during the cleanup.
General information:
* Headstones or Memorial Markers are at interred’s head.
* Interred faces east (i.e. head lies closest to Hwy 67 and feet point east)
* Inscription is on the highway side of headstone (i.e. opposite of the norm)
* North & Center Site only: Graves measure 4’ wide by approximately 10’ long.
* South Site only: Graves measure 4’-6” x 10’.